Drop in for a quick huddle. Tap the shoulder of a fellow professional and ask a question. Add your voice to a lively discussion of pressing issues. Team Med Global’s private LinkedIn group, The TMG Zone, offers the informal water cooler atmosphere that allows you to connect.
“We designed The TMG Zone to be a community of MSPs, payer enrollment specialists, practice managers, credentialing specialists, and others who are the gatekeepers of patient safety and revenue,” said TMG President Donna Goestenkors. “It’s a space to share resources and wisdom, and to support one another in our personal and professional development.”
Goestenkors has tapped Dr. Mary Baker to lead The TMG Zone. “Mary has more than 35 years of experience in the industry, and teaches a variety of courses in everything from accreditation compliance to healthcare reimbursement,” said Goestenkors. “She’s the perfect person to drive the conversation in The TMG Zone.”
Participation in The TMG Zone is by invitation only. Those who are paid attendees at a TMG webinar, who take courses through TMG University, or who join TMG’s upcoming leadership book club receive invitations via LinkedIn.
“We’re excited about this new initiative,” said Goestenkors. “I envision it as a way to build stronger connections and further our personal and professional development.”
Goestenkors sees The TMG Zone as an outgrowth of the organization’s mission to exhibit leadership in bringing about positive change in the industry. “We want to lift each other up as we each strive to reach our potential,” she said. “The TMG Zone is a great way for professionals to share information and find support.”
Register for an upcoming TMG webinar here: https://www.teammedglobal.com/webinars-events/