Demonstrate your professional pride!
Show your appreciation to your team!

These colorful and playful designs are perfect for adding a personal touch to your water bottle, laptop, notebook, or workspace. Whether you’re a “Credentialing Crusader” or a “Bylaws Boss,” these stickers are a fun way to show off your professional pride. Bring a little TMG flair to your day!

Mix & Match Pricing:
1 Sticker: $4
3 Stickers: $11
5 Stickers: $18
10 Stickers: $34

There is a $1.50 shipping/handling charge per order. Stickers are shipped First Class Mail. You can expect your shipment in 7-10 business days.

Die-Cut Sticker Dimensions:
Bylaws Boss: 3” x 2.82”
Credentialing Crusader: 3” x 2.64”
Enrolling the Best: 4” x 3.98”
Licensing MVP: 2.82” x 3”
MSP Magic: 3” x 2.91”
Quality Check: 2.56” x 3”
Trust the Process: 4” x 2.44”
Purple Wand: 4″ x 1.83″