Personal Growth

Personal Growth


Taming the Tiger: Strategies to Relieve Anxiety
When anxiety takes hold, our bodies respond as if we are facing a life-threatening situation, triggering the fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response. Join TMG and explore the physiological and psychological aspects of anxiety, as well as strategies to effectively manage anxiety. Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Jennifer Froemel. 1 Hour. Recorded 11/8/23.

Leading with a Heavy Heart: Working Through Personal Challenges
Leaders are people and people can go through periods of personal struggle. It can be difficult to serve teams and organizations while navigating challenges. Join Team Med Global for an exploration of how to meet your own needs while using your experiences to become a better leader. Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Nicole Keller. 1 Hour. Recorded 6/20/23.

Glancing Back: Finding Wisdom in Regret
A “no regrets” philosophy robs us of the opportunity for reflection and learning. Join Team Med Global in exploring how to acknowledge our regrets with compassion rather than contempt, and the valuable ways that our failures reveal our values. Presented by Donna Goestenkors. 1 Hour. Recorded 4/12/23.

Navigating the Error-verse: How to Handle Workplace Mistakes
A workplace mistake can leave you feeling anxious, scared, or ashamed. Depending on the severity of the error, it might even jeopardize your position. Discover the toxicity of perfectionism, strategies for communicating errors, and accountability practices for a healthy workplace. Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Jennifer Froemel. 1 Hour. Recorded 12/14/22

Collaboration Station: Becoming a Stellar Team Member
Collaboration is key to workplace effectiveness, yet mastering teamwork requires skill and practice. Discover 7 characteristics of highly effective collaborators and how to boost your skills to expand your role as a trusted team member. Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Jennifer Froemel. Recorded 6/9/21

Perfection Rejection: Embracing Your Humanity
We strive to do our best, yet a yearning for perfection can lead to paralysis, burnout, and even shame. When we give ourselves the grace to make mistakes, we become happier and more productive. Learn how to let go of perfectionism and embrace your humanity. Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Jennifer Froemel. Recorded 3/10/21

Price: $35 each. Buy any 5 TMG on-demand webinars and enter promo code TMGWEB at checkout to get a $25 discount.

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Taming the Tiger: Strategies to Relieve Anxiety

When anxiety takes hold, our bodies respond as if we are facing a life-threatening situation, triggering the fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response. Join TMG and explore the physiological and psychological aspects of anxiety, as well as strategies to effectively manage anxiety.

Explain the fight, flight, freeze, and fawn responses and how they manifest in thoughts, behaviors, and bodily reactions
Identify 5 techniques for quelling anxiety
Describe 3 strategies for embracing calm and building resilience

Leading with a Heavy Heart: Working Through Personal Challenges

Leaders are people and people can go through periods of personal struggle. It can be difficult to serve teams and organizations while navigating challenges. Join TMG and discover how to meet your own needs while using your experiences to become a better leader.

Identify 5 approaches to leading while struggling
Describe how to view challenges within the framework of your life and leadership
Explain how best to communicate with your team about your challenges

Glancing Back: Finding Wisdom in Regret

A “no regrets” philosophy robs us of the opportunity for reflection and learning. Join TMG and explore how to acknowledge our regrets with compassion rather than contempt, and the valuable ways that our failures reveal our values.

Explain the difference between bad decisions and bad outcomes
Describe 5 ways regret can lead to wisdom
Identify 4 elements of a “failure resume”

Navigating the Error-verse: How to Handle Workplace Mistakes

A workplace mistake can leave you feeling anxious, scared, or ashamed. Depending on the severity of the error, it might even jeopardize your position. Join TMG to discuss the toxicity of perfectionism, strategies for communicating errors, and accountability practices for a healthy workplace.

Identify 6 steps to handling emotional charge around mistakes
Describe 3 accountability practices to support individual and team growth
Explain effective management strategies for team member mistakes

Collaboration Station: Becoming a Stellar Team Member

Collaboration is key to workplace effectiveness, yet mastering teamwork requires skill and practice. Join TMG and discover 7 characteristics of highly effective collaborators and how to boost your skills to expand your role as a trusted team member.

Describe why collaboration is a force multiplier
Explain 7 characteristics of effective collaborators
Identify 5 indicators of a healthy team

Perfection Rejection: Embracing Your Humanity

We strive to do our best, yet a yearning for perfection can lead to paralysis, burnout, and even shame. When we give ourselves the grace to make mistakes, we become happier and more productive. Team Med Global’s Donna Goestenkors, CPMSM®, EMSP, and Jennifer Froemel, MS, LCPC, CMHIMP, outline how to let go of perfectionism and embrace your humanity.

Identify 4 reasons why perfectionism makes you less-than-perfect
Describe the faulty logic that is the basis of perfectionism
Explain 3 strategies for letting go of perfectionism while continuing to excel

Additional information

Personal Growth

Anxiety – $35, Personal Challenges – $35, Regret – $35, Mistakes – $35, Collaboration – $35, Perfection – $35

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