Structure and Governance

Structure and Governance


Building the Guardrails: Managed Care Governance & Policy
Regulators and accrediting bodies are prescriptive about managed care committee responsibilities and governance policy language. Join TMG in exploring the necessary governance structure needed to successfully navigate the managed care landscape. Presented by Rachelle Silva and Ivonne Oladunni. 1 Hour. Recorded 8/29/23.

Completing the Puzzle: Who’s Who in Managed Care Credentialing
It’s crucial to have a solid grasp of the basics before diving into the deeper issues surrounding managed care credentialing. Join TMG in exploring the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in managed care and how the pieces of managed care fit together. Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Ivonne Oladunni. 1 Hour. Recorded 7/25/23.

Price: $35 each. Buy any 5 TMG on-demand webinars and enter promo code TMGWEB at checkout to get a $25 discount.

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Building the Guardrails: Managed Care Governance & Policy

Regulators and accrediting bodies are prescriptive about managed care committee responsibilities and governance policy language. Join TMG in exploring the necessary governance structure needed to successfully navigate the managed care landscape.

Explain committee structure, responsibilities, and authorizations in the managed care environment
Identify 4 provisions that must be included in managed care governance documents
Describe 5 required managed care procedures for proper documentation and decision making

Completing the Puzzle: Who’s Who in Managed Care Credentialing

It’s crucial to have a solid grasp of the basics before diving into the deeper issues surrounding managed care credentialing. Join TMG in exploring the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in managed care and how the pieces of managed care fit together.

Identify the regulatory and accreditation bodies that oversee managed care
Explain the types of organizations that are accredited by CMS, NCQA, and URAC
Describe which environments perform credentialing under CMS, NCQA, and URAC standards

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Structure & Governance

Governance & Policy – $35, Who's Who – $35

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