Where Do I Fit In?
Explore today’s healthcare landscape and the evolving role of the MSP in this introduction to Medical Staff Services. Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Yesenia Servin. 1 Hour. Recorded 3/18/20
Credentialing: Oh, That’s What You Mean!
Credentialing practices vary by environment. Unpack industry terminology and examine credentialing differences in hospitals, managed care, practice management, and credentials verification organizations. Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Patty Clark. 1 Hour. Recorded 4/1/20
Where’s My Risk Management Hat?
Credentialing helps to ensure patient safety, but it’s also a mechanism for mitigating legal risk. Discover jaw-dropping legal cases that go to the heart of credentialing and the ways in which the MSP can further organizational risk management goals. Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Leslie Foltz. 1 Hour. Recorded 5/6/20
Let’s Solve the Standards Puzzle!
It’s a challenge to thread the CCVS needle using NCQA standards. Gather proven methodologies for verification practices and sources for appointment, reappointment, and clinical privileges. Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Leslie Foltz. 1 Hour. Recorded 5/20/20
Ready, Set, Evaluate!
Navigate the maze of professional evaluations and performance improvement by understanding the roles of FPPE, OPPE, peer review, and behavior evaluations. Learn how to develop collaborative processes that collect meaningful data, streamline privileging, and contribute to patient safety. Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Nicole Keller. 1 Hour. Recorded 6/3/20
It’s Your Turn!
The TMG Team takes questions. Presented by Donna Goestenkors, Larry DeHoyos, Nicole Keller, Stephanie Russell & Yesenia Servin. 1 Hour. Recorded 7/17/20
Price: $35 each. Buy any 5 TMG on-demand webinars and enter promo code TMGWEB at checkout to get a $25 discount.