The seeds of Maggie Wilkerson’s career trajectory were planted with an A.S. in medical transcription. From there, she blossomed in her role as Medical Staff Specialist responsible for credentialing more than 400 multi-specialty hospital providers at a Decatur, IL hospital. Having earned her CPCS® credential, Maggie moved to a Rockford hospital, where she served as the manager of Medical Staff Services. She joined Team Med Global earlier this year, and was recently named director of TMG University. With her fingers on the pulse of the Medical Staff Services industry, Maggie is committed to developing tailored professional development opportunities that leverage the expertise of TMG’s Subject Matter Experts.
The Lighter Side
In getting to know Maggie Wilkerson, we discovered that she dreams of a trip to the Highland games, has a soft spot for English Bulldogs, and could easily throw down in an infomercial contest.

Maggie’s puppers, Maxy
When you’re not at work, what’s your favorite pastime?
I really love exploring and laughing with my little family.
What makes your heart sing?
A chubby English Bulldog.
What’s your dream vacation spot?
I would really love to go to Scotland and experience the Highland games.

Maggie’s husband, Michael, and daughter, Elliot
What’s something that most people don’t know about you?
I have what my husband calls a “last bite, best bite policy.” Whenever I eat a meal, I do it in a way that creates the perfect last bite.
Which living person would you most like the opportunity to meet?
Bob Goff. I really admire his faith, humor, and ability to encourage people to be better humans.
What legacy do you want to leave the world?
That the way I live life daily would leave the type of legacy that makes my family proud.

Maggie and her husband, Michael
When was the last time you had a good belly laugh?
I really love a good infomercial! Remember the Turbo Cooker? My sister and husband will come up with a really awful product idea and I create a whole infomercial spiel trying to sell it. We have so much fun with it. Tonight my husband came up with “smart-y pants.” When the wearer is about to fall down, the pants lock and keep the wearer upright. My favorite invention yet is our spraycon, a bacon-flavored food spray. Best used (we imagine) on toast, popcorn, and eggs.