Best Practices

Best Practices


Gold Star Credentialing: Best Practices for Achieving Compliance
Verifying and evaluating practitioner credentials is critical, but so is managing decision makers’ expectations and circumventing misunderstandings. Learn how to lay the groundwork for informed discussions about competency measurements among medical staff leaders, administrative leaders, and MSPs. Presented by Rachelle Silva and Stephanie Russell. 1 Hour. Recorded 9/29/22.

Racing to the Finish Line: How to Win at Delegated Credentialing
Delegated credentialing streamlines processes, but the delegator still must ensure that the delegated work conforms with industry standards. Learn winning negotiation tactics, accepted auditing standards and practices, and keys to relationship management. Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Rachelle Silva. 1 Hour. Recorded 5/26/22.

Turn the Page: The New Era of Credentialing
Credentialing is the cornerstone of patient safety. It’s also an ever-evolving field. Your credentialing journey begins with the basics and ends with the cutting-edge challenges destined to chart the future course of the industry. After building a foundation of credentialing verification basics, real-life scenarios illustrate how to navigate the nuances of interacting with stakeholders. Discover hot topics like telemedicine, locum tenens, and delegated credentialing. Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Maya Royal. Recorded 7/28/21

Price: $35 each. Buy any 5 TMG on-demand webinars and enter promo code TMGWEB at checkout to get a $25 discount.

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Gold Star Credentialing
Best Practices for Achieving Compliance

Verifying and evaluating practitioner credentials is critical, but so is managing decision makers’ expectations and circumventing misunderstandings. Join Team Med Global to learn how to lay the groundwork for informed discussions about competency measurements among medical staff leaders, administrative leaders, and MSPs.

Identify 20 key elements of credentialing verification
Describe the differences between standard practices and best practices
Explain a standardized process for performing credentialing verification

Racing to the Finish Line
How to Win at Delegated Credentialing

Delegated credentialing streamlines processes, but the delegator still must ensure that the delegated work conforms with industry standards. Join Team Med Global and learn winning negotiation tactics, accepted auditing standards and practices, and keys to relationship management.

Describe the 3 primary responsibilities of delegates
Identify 6 standards involved in the auditing process
Explain 4 strategies that support strong partnerships

Turn the Page
The New Era of Credentialing

Credentialing is the cornerstone of patient safety. It’s also an ever-evolving field. Your credentialing journey begins with the basics and ends with the cutting-edge challenges destined to chart the future course of the industry. After building a foundation of credentialing verification basics, real-life scenarios illustrate how to navigate the nuances of interacting with stakeholders. Discover hot topics like telemedicine, locum tenens, and delegated credentialing. Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Maya Royal. Recorded 7/28/21

Describe the 5 essential steps required in a solid credentialing system
Identify 3 strategies for fielding common stakeholder concerns
Explain current solutions associated with various credentialing challenges

Additional information

Credentialing Best Practices

Gold Star Credentialing – $35, Delegated Credentialing – $35, New Era – $35

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