TMG Spotlight: Kate Baumgartner, ProVISIONary Staffing Director

We’re excited to welcome Kate Baumgartner to Team Med Global. As Director of TMG’s new service, ProVISIONary Staffing, Kate will recruit MSPs for part-time or full-time, temporary or permanent positions within a variety of healthcare settings. In the process, she’ll help MSP’s identify their strengths, showcase their talents, and increase their marketability within the industry.

2023-01-25T22:26:26+00:00|TMG Team Spotlight|

5 Interviewing Tips and Tricks

Interviews can be awkward – for both the interviewee and the interviewer. I’ve never been a cookie-cutter recruiter, and as a candidate, you shouldn’t feel as though you need to fit a mold, either. Creative staffing solutions, innovation, growth, and opportunity create “right-fit” matches that satisfy both you and your employer-to-be. In that vein, here

2022-07-11T19:40:27+00:00|Career Development|

NAMSS Conference: TMG to Present Payer Enrollment and Locum Tenens Sessions

The knowledge experts at Team Med Global are slated to present two forward-thinking sessions at NAMSS’ 43rd Educational Conference & Exhibition, which will be held October 21-23, 2019, in Philadelphia. According to TMG President Donna Goestenkors, CPMSM®, “We’re thrilled to be returning to the NAMSS conference with timely, actionable information.” Team Med Global’s first presentation,

2022-07-11T19:42:07+00:00|Locum Tenens, Provider Enrollment|

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